نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
ممّا لاشکّ أنَّ لهذة القصیدة بین القصائد العربیة مکانةً رفیعة ﻓﻲالتراث العرﺑﻲ، لِأنّها أنشِدَت ﻓﻲ حضرة النبیِّ(ص) وبها نال کعب بن زهیر العفو بعد أن اُهدِردَمُهُ ،إنّ هذا الشرح أﻱ «بانت سعاد» لابن هشام الأنصاری ،صاحب کتاب «المغنی» القیّم من أجود ما خلّفه فی العربیة. لأنّه قام بشرح هذه القصیدة التی تشتمل علی سبعةوخمسین بیتاً بالتفصیل و استشهد بالآیات القرآنیة و الأحادیث النبویة و الشواهد الشعریة و أمثال العرب،و له نظرات صرفیة و بلاغیة إضافة إلی نظراته النحویة و اللغویة و استعمل آراء النحاة الآخرین.هذا المقال ﻳﻠﻘﻲ نظرة عابرةإلی شخصیةابن هشام العلمیةولاسیّماالنحویةومنهجه ﻓﻲ شرح القصیدة.
عنوان مقاله [English]
Ibn-e- Hashem and his description of the ode “Banat Soad” written by Ka’b ibn –e- Zohair
نویسنده [English]
- A P
چکیده [English]
A glimpse at the grammatical qualification of Ibn-e- Hashem in his description of the ode “Banat Soad” of Ka’b ibn –e- Zohair reveals that this one is quite distinguished among the most prominent Arabic literary works as it was read before the Islam’s holy prophet, and that it was for this work that the holy prophet forgave Ka’b ibn –e- Zohair after he had ordered his life to be taken.
The description of the above-mentioned ode by Ibn-e- Hashem Ansari, the author of the valuable book “Moghni Al-labeib”, is among the best works left from him. He decorated the 57-stanza ode with detailed and comprehensive descriptions based on Quran verses, prophetic narratives and Arabic literary grounds. The ode, also involves rhetorical ornamentations along with syntactic and lexical commentaries, as well as the commentaries and theories of other grammarians.
This article investigates, in particular, the methodology and grammatical approach used by Ibn-e- Hashem in description and explanation of the said ode
کلیدواژهها [English]
- Ibn-e- Hashem
- his religious ideas
- his grammatical theory
- Ka’b ibn –e- Zohair
- description of “ Bant Sa’ad”