نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشگاه ایلام

2 دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشگاه ایلام، ایلام، ایران

3 دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشد زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشگاه ایلام



تعدّ الروایة من أکثر الأجناس الأدبیة تجسیداً للواقع، اذ توصف بأنها مرآة عاکسة للواقع، ویتبلور ذلک من منطلق علاقاتها بالمجتمع، لذا نجد فیها حضوراً للبعد الاجتماعی، السیاسی والتاریخى فضلاً عن تجسیدها الأبعاد النفسیة. استخدم الباحث فی بحثه عن السرد النفسی فی الروایة المذکورة المنهج الوصفی‌ - التحلیلی ناتجاً بأنها تتطرَّق إلى الصراع النفسی فی مشاعر الإنسان مثل الحب، الندم، الظلم والحزن ، ویجسَّد الکاتب کل تلک المشاعر المتناقضة فی شخصیة بائع الکتب "محمود المرزوق". فیخرق التشظی الهویاتی مواضعات السرد التقلیدی بناءً على استرجاعات نابعة من ذاکرة "جمعیة الشراد" تسیر الروایة نحو المکاشفة التی بها یحاسب کل صوت سردی نفسه کاشفاً عن تضاداته الفکریة والذاتیة تجاه المجتمع والتاریخ. والشخصیّة الرئیسة فی الروایة یعنی المرزوق الکاتب مصاب أحیاناً بالذهول العقلی والهذیان خاصةً حینما یکثر فی استعمال المسکرات. وقد وظّف الروائی محمد رحیم المکان النفسی خاصةً المکان المفتوح لیکشف من خلالهما عن الطبیعة الفکریة والنفسیة لشخصیاته ولنفسه. أمّا فی الغالب استخدم "المکان عندى"؛ لأنّه یحبس نفسه فی خیالاته وأوهامه ولایدرک أحد ما یدور فی مکانه النفسی. فهو یتحدّث عن المدینة والمدینة عنده مخنوقة بالدم. وقد یلجأ إلى الأحلام الیقظة، لأنّ الواقع الّذی یعیشه ممل، لأنّه لا یستطیع من خلال التخیل أن یحقّق .یتمکن من تحقیقه کما یستخدم المونولوج الداخلی بسبب وحدته وبعده عن المجتمع.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Manifestations of the operation of psychological narrative mechanisms in the novel “The Murder of the Bookseller” by Saad Muhammad Rahim

نویسندگان [English]

  • yosra shadman 1
  • mohammadreza shirkhani 2
  • sana salem.j 3

1 associate professor of Ilam university

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran

3 student

چکیده [English]

The novel is widely considered a literary genre that profoundly embodies reality, often described as a mirror reflecting the world around us. This reflection is crystallized through its connections with society, capturing social, political, and historical dimensions, along with a deep portrayal of psychological dimensions. The novel “The Murder of the “Bookseller” was published in 2016, written by Saad Muhammad Rahim, and was shortlisted for the International Prize for Arabic Fiction in 2017.

In his research on the psychological narrative in the aforementioned novel, the researcher applied a descriptive-analytical approach, concluding that the novel addresses psychological conflicts and inner emotional struggles, including love, remorse, injustice, sadness, and crying. The author embodies these conflicting emotions within the character of the bookseller “Mahmoud Al-Marzouq.” Identity fragmentation violates the constraints of the traditional narrative structure by drawing on memories associated with the “Al-Sharad Association.” The novel guides each narrative toward self-disclosure, where each holds itself accountable, exposing its intellectual and subjective contradictions in relation to society and history. The main character in the novel, Al-Marzouq, occasionally experiences mental stupor and delirium, particularly after consuming large amounts of sugar.

Novelist Muhammad Rahim employed a psychological setting, particularly an open setting, to reveal both the intellectual and psychological nature of his characters and himself. I often use the phrase “the place is with me” since he locks himself in his own fantasies and delusions, leaving others unaware of what unfolds in his psychological place. He describes the city as being suffocated by blood and devastation. He may turn to daydreaming because the reality he faces is dull and unappealing or because he believes he can attain wealth through imagination that eludes him in real life. He also uses internal monologue to reflect his loneliness and detachment from society.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Psychological narrative
  • Contemporary Iraqi novel
  • The novel “The Murder of the Bookseller
  • ” Saad Muhammad Rahim