نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
1 عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه اراک
2 دانشجوی دکتری دانشگاه اراک
قرآن بلیغترین متنی است که در دسترس قرار گرفته است. برای بررسی و تحلیل این متن بینظیر، پژوهشگران از روشها و الگوهای مختلفی بهره گرفتهاند. یکی از روشهای نوین بررسی متن، در قالب نظریه انسجام متنی هالیدی و حسن مطرح گردیده است. بررسی متن قرآن از دیدگاه نظریه هالیدی و حسن بر اساس روابط معنائی که منجر به ایجاد انسجام میشوند، میتواند نشان دهد که چگونه با ابزار زبانی جایگزینی عنصری، توانسته است با لفظی اندک جانشین معنایی بسیار گردد و از تکرار نابجای یک صورت لفظی جمله یا جملاتی جلوگیری نموده و ضمن تکرار مفهوم و تداوم و استمرار معنا و خط فکری، متن منسجم و یکپارچه تولید کند. گاهی چندین آیه به حدی باهم گره خورده و ارتباط برقرار نموده که امکان حذف یا جابجایی یکی از آنها بدون ایجاد خلل در معنا و ایجاد ابهام و سردرگمی مخاطب امکان پذیر نیست. ابزار جانشینی در سوره «النحل» با ایجاد گره و پیوند از نوع هم-طبقگی و ایجاد زنجیره انسجامی به ترتیب؛ جانشینی جملهای، بیشترین، اسمی، بیشتر و فعلی، کمترین بسامد را داشتهاند . تداوم و استمرار معنا و ایجاد ارتباط بین آیات بدون تکرار ضمیر-های بسیار با رعایت اصل اقتصاد زبانی امری است که با بکارگیری دقیق ابزار جایگزینی در این سوره رخ داده.
عنوان مقاله [English]
Analyzing the function of the linguistic device (substitution) in the blessed Surah "Al-Nahl" from the perspective of the text coherence theory of Ruqiyeh Hassan and Michael Halliday.
نویسندگان [English]
- seyed aboalfzl sajadi 1
- mahdi seaf 2
- ibrahim anari bozghlooi 1
- ahmad omidali 1
1 member of the academic of Arak University
2 Doctoral student of Arak University
چکیده [English]
The Holy Quran is the most eloquent text available to mankind. To examine and analyze this unique text, researchers have used various methods and models so far. One of the new methods of text analysis has been proposed in the form of Halliday and Hassan's textual cohesion theory. Examining the Qur'an text from the perspective of the role-oriented systematic theory of Halliday and Hassan, based on the semantic relations that lead to the creation of cohesion , can show how with the linguistic device of substitution, an element has been able to replace a lot of meaning with a little vocabulary and avoid unnecessary repetition. It avoids a verbal form, sentences or sentences and produces a coherent and integrated text while repeating the concept and continuity of the meaning and line of thought. Sometimes several verses are tied together and connected to such an extent that it is not possible to remove or move one of them without causing a disturbance in the meaning and creating ambiguity and confusion for the audience . Substitution device in Surah Al-Nahl by creating knots and links of the Co-Classification and creating a coherent chain, respectively: Clausal substitution, nominal substitution and Verbal substitution, have the highest to the lowest frequency. Continuity and continuation of the meaning and creating a connection between the verses without repeating many pronouns in accordance with the principle of linguistic economy is a matter that happened with the careful use of the Substitution device in this surah.
کلیدواژهها [English]
- cohesion
- text
- substitution
- Surah Al-Nahl
- Halliday and Hassan
Extended Abstract
Qur'an is a unique text and the eternal miracle of Muhammad, the Prophet of God. Examining how the phrases and words interact and how the verses link to one another to create a meaningful whole is required to determine the specific meanings and analyze them. Linguistic theories seek to comprehend the processes entailed in making any text. Michael Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan's (1976) model of cohesion is one of the linguistic theories used to explain the semantic connections between Quranic sentences and chapters. The review of Surah "An-Nahl" in the form of linguistic principles and studies of the theory above is distinguished because it was conducted from a specific perspective and based on a particular program and a coherent and accurate linguistic foundation. This approach evaluates the text's degree of coherence, and the best ways to link the sentences in this text together and establish coherent relationships are determined. In this theory, therefore, the methods of conveying the concept to the audience from beginning to end and throughout the text are identified, and the text's communication with the audience is evaluated. Consequently, it should be deemed sufficient for analyzing and comprehending the text of Surah "An-Nahl" because certain text elements cannot be interpreted without considering their relationships with other factors. This descriptive-analytical research examines the use of the linguistic tool of substitution in Surah "An-Nahl." Observing the verbal economy in this chapter and how to create a profound connection between sentences and verses helps the audience gain a deeper comprehension of the text by revealing undiscovered angles and the approach of the Qur'an to creating a continuous line of thought.
The integrity and coherence of the text of this surah are determined in this manner. According to a study of the function of the linguistic tool of substitution in this surah, substitution as one of the tools of coherence and linguistic economy has contributed to brevity and communication of meaning. In addition to not using repetitive referential elements such as pronouns that cause lethargy and lengthen the text, it has prevented audience confusion during the surah and elegantly emphasized the meaning of the verses by repeating their text's purpose. Finally, in this surah, all three kinds of substitution instruments are employed. "clausal substitute," with about 68%, "nominal substitution," with about 19%, and "verbal substitution," with about 13%, has the highest frequency, "nominal substitution" has the most frequency, and "verbal substitution" has the lowest frequency.
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