نوع مقاله : طرح پژوهشی
معروف الرصافی شاعر العراق الکبیر و احد أعلام النهضة الأدبیة و من کبار شعراء المدرسة الکلاسیکیّة قد طرق اغلب ابواب الشعر القدیمة من مدح ورثاء و غزل و وصف و خمریات؛ ولکن تمیز بشعره السیاسی و الإجتماعی و اشتهرب«شاعر الحریّة» و«شاعر البؤساء» لما نظمه من أشعار ثورویّة ملتهبة ولما عالجه من قضایا إجتماعیة و سیاسیّة. لشعره میزات عدیدة فهو فضلاً عن متانة اللغة ورصانة الأسلوب یلازم روح العصر مقاصده و مطالبه.
بیئة الشاعر الحافلة بالأحداث و معیشته المملوءة بالکثیر من الوان الفقر و الفاقة و حرمان دعت الرصافی الی إهتمام بشوؤن الناس والوطن والموضوعات الإجتماعیة التی یعانیها مواطنیه. هذه العوامل المذکورة جعلت الشاعر شاعراً ثورویّا و اجتماعیا و ساعدته علی أن یشعر آلام الناس و یتأثر بها. نحن عندما نقرأ دیوان شعره و نتعمق فی قصائده الإجتماعیة، نراه کمراة تنعکس فیها کل الحوادث السیاسیّة و الثورات الإجتماعیة و حرکات الوطنیّة التی وقعت فی عصره . فهو شاعر انفرد بالشعر الإجتماعی فی العراق . نحن فی هذه المقالة عالجنا الموضوعین الهامین من نزعة الشاعر الإجتماعیّة هما المرأة و الفقر و ترکنا غیر هما من الموضوعات إجتنابا ً من إطالة الکلام و الحشو.
عنوان مقاله [English]
Al-Rassafi and his social tendency to woman and poverty
نویسندگان [English]
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چکیده [English]
Al-Rassafi the great Iraqi poet is one of the forerunner of literary movement and one of the greatest of classical poets, has composed many poems on admiration and description in the form of sonnet. However he is unique and well-known for his social and political poems. He has been called “poet of freedom “and “poet of the poor” because of his concern about political and social issues and his revolutionary and radical poems.
His poems have many characteristics; beside the dignity of his language and magnificence of his style his verses are in line with the situation of his era and its needs, since the environment which the poet lived in was full of poverty. Rassafi prefers to devote himself to the social and national affairs, and the suffering of his contemporary people. These factors made al-Rassafi a great social poet and caused him to feel the pains and sorrows of his people in the depth of his heart.
When we read his poems and concentrate on his odes we will find it like mirror in which political events, national movements, and social revolutions of his time are quite evident. He is the only Iraqi poet who distinguished his social poems. In this paper we are going to investigate the most important social tendencies of the poet, i.e. women and poverty.
کلیدواژهها [English]
- Al-Rassafi
- Social tendency
- modern poem
- Iraq
- women and poverty