نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری دانشگاه شهید بهشتی

2 استاد گروه زبان وادبیات عربی دانشگاه شهیدبهشتی

3 دانشیار



استعارۀ مفهومی نظریة زبان‌شناختی است که استعاره را علاوه بر زیبایی‌آفرینیِ ادبی ابزاری مهم برای درک تفکرِ خلاق در آثار ادبی می‌داند. استعاره‌های مفهومی مرتبط با حوزۀ احساسات در یک زبان و فرهنگ کاملا شبیه هم نیستند چون عواملی از قبیل جامعه و زمان و تفاوت‌های فردی نیز در این امر دخیل هستند. غزلیات شریف رضی(394 هـ ش) و کتاب أوراق الورد از مصطفی صادق الرافعی (1355هـ .ش) هرکدام مختص به یک دورۀ متفاوت است و هر دو از متون خلاق و مورد تقلید ادبا هستند و می‌توانند نمایندۀ خوبی برای متونِ ادبیِ زمان خود باشند، همچنین مضمون واحدی دارند و عشق در هر دوی این اثر، عارفانه-عاشقانه است؛ این پژوهش با روش تحلیلی ـ مقابله‌ای بر آن است تا به بررسی تفاوت‌ها و شباهت‌ها و کارکرد استعاره‌های مفهومیِ مرتبط با حوزۀ عشق در متن‌های فوق الذکر بپردازد. یافته‌ها نشان داد که استعارۀ مفهومیِ حوزۀ عشق با گذشت زمان شکل پیچیده‌تری به خود گرفته و ورای استعاره‌های مفهومی لایه‌های پنهان دیگری وجود دارد، همچنین از ویژگی تلفیق که از قدرتمندترین ساز و کار فراتر رفتن از نظام مفهومی روزمره است و ویژگی پرسش و تفصیل بیشتر استفاده شده است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Investigating and comparing the value and function of conceptual metaphors in the field of love in old and new literary texts: a case study of Sharif Razi's Ghazliat and the book "The Leaves of Al-Ward" by Mustafa Sadeq Al-Rafei

نویسندگان [English]

  • fatemeh dehghan 1
  • hojjat rasouli 2
  • Abolfazl rezayi 3

1 PhD student of Shahid Beheshti University

2 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University

3 associate professor

چکیده [English]

Metaphor is a conceptual linguistic theory that considers metaphor as an important tool for understanding creative thinking in literary works in addition to literary aesthetics. Conceptual metaphors related to the field of feelings in a language and culture are not completely similar because factors such as society and time and individual differences are also involved in this matter. Sharif Razi's Ghazliat (394 AH) and Mustafa Sadegh Al-Rafi's Book of Oragh Alvard (1355 AH) are each specific to a different period and both are creative and imitated literary texts and can be a good representative of the texts of their time. They have a single theme and love in both of these works is mystical-romantic; This research aims to investigate the differences and similarities and the function of conceptual metaphors related to the field of love in the above-mentioned texts using the analytical-confrontational method. The findings showed that the conceptual metaphor of the field of love has become more complex with the passage of time and there are other hidden layers beyond the conceptual metaphors.Also, the combining feature, which is one of the most powerful mechanisms to go beyond the everyday conceptual system, and the feature of questioning and elaboration have been used.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • conceptual metaphor
  • love
  • Oragh Alvard
  • Sharif Razi'
  • s Ghazlia
  • The function of metaphor

Extended Abstract

The linguistic theory of conceptual metaphor posits that metaphor plays a significant role in comprehending creative thinking in literary works, as well as in literary aesthetics. The similarity of conceptual metaphors on emotions in a given language and culture is not entirely uniform, as societal and temporal factors, as well as individual differences, play a role in shaping this phenomenon. The literary works of Sharif Razi's Ghazals (394) and Sadiq al-Rafii's Mustafa book of Awraq al-ward (1976) are representative of distinct periods and exhibit creative and imitative qualities. These texts serve as valuable examples of the literary works produced during their respective eras. Furthermore, it can be observed that the two aforementioned literary pieces share a common thematic element, wherein the portrayal of love is characterized by a mystical and romantic quality. The objective of this study is to utilize the analytical-comparison methodology to investigate the function, similarities, and differences of conceptual metaphors in the domain of love in the aforementioned texts. The results indicated that:

  • The conceptualizations present in the old Arabic texts appear to be less complex. To clarify, it can be observed that older texts exhibit a narrower range of metaphors, while newer texts demonstrate a greater level of complexity in conceptualization. Increasingly, contemporary texts are acknowledging the multifaceted functions of hidden layers of metaphor. The complexity of life may be attributed to the increasing intricacy of human thinking. Thus, this generalization can be applied to other novel texts.

Over time, there appears to be a correlation between the development of self-awareness and the utilization of conceptual metaphors in conceptualization. In literary works, it was common for poets and writers to employ metaphors such as likening the beloved to the sun and the moon as a means of conveying the concept that love is illuminating. However, as time progressed, it became apparent that the term "light" began to serve as a more direct reference to this idea. However, as time has progressed, this conceptualization has become more deliberate, . This phenomenon is also grounded in the social fabric of humanity and the notion that human cognition has undergone evolution throughout history.

  • The characteristic of "elaboration" pertains to the depiction of a metaphor in an unconventional manner. Similarly, the characteristic of "integration" is regarded as one of the most potent mechanisms for transcending the commonplace conceptual system. Additionally, the feature of "inquiry" denotes a distinctive metaphor that is consistently fitting and effective, while its validity and accuracy are questioned. However, it is most obvious in contemporary texts, and this phenomenon may be attributed to the temporal progression and the increasingly intricate nature of existence and interpersonal interaction. While possessing the attribute of being a good artist, this trait cannot be attributed to al-Rafii specifically. However, it may apply to new literary works.
  • In the book of Awraq al-ward, the metaphors are more structural and coherent; that is, in Sadiq al-Rafii, Mustafa himself gathers the members of one conceptual field into a coherent structure and maps them onto the members of another conceptual field. It can be said that the reason for this is that in the old texts, there was no membership unity in poetry; therefore, this feature can also be extended to other new texts.

Keywords: Conceptual metaphor, Love, Awraq al-ward, Sharif Razi's poetry, Metaphor function.

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