نوع مقاله : طرح پژوهشی
یعدّ مظفر النواب من أهم الشعراء الحداثیین الذی کان و لا یزال یضطلع بدور بارز فی نشر الوعی و فضح الممارسات السیاسیة الإنهزامیة للسلطة کما له دور بارز فی الإبداع الشعری من خلال استخدام مختلف التقنیات التی تنأى بشعره عن حدود المباشرة و الخطابة ، منها تقنیة التناص و بخاصة القرآنی منه فوظّف الآیات کاملة أو محذوفاً منها او مزیداً فیها کما وظف اسماء السور و اسماء الانبیاء و قصصهم و استطاع بمقدرة فذّة أن یعطی لها دلالات و ایحاءات جدیدة مع الاحتفاظ بالشحنة المعنویة الدینیة للنص الغائب فی سیاقه الجدید کما اضاف الى النص بعداً جمالیّاً و فنّیّاً قادراً على إدهاش القارئ و استدراجه الى بؤرة النص .
عنوان مقاله [English]
Koranic intertextuality in the poetry of Mozaffar Navvab
نویسندگان [English]
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چکیده [English]
Mozaffar Navvab, one of the most important modernist poets, who was and still playing a prominent role in raising awareness and exposing the political defeatism of governments. He also has a notable role in the poetic creativity through the use of techniques that keep his poetry away of the limits of direct and public speaking, such as “Intertextualtiy “ and specially the Koranic one where he employed the full verses omitting or exceeding it, also he enlisted the names of “ SURATS” and the names of prophets and their stories, and with a unique ability he gave it new signs and suggestions while retaining the moral religious shipment of the absent text in his new texture. He also added an aesthetic and artistic dimension to the text so that it can impress the reader and draw him to the center of text.
کلیدواژهها [English]
- Koranic Intertaxtuality
- poetry
- Mozaffar Navvab