Document Type : Research paper


1 university of Tehran

2 university of tehran

3 Postdoctoral Researcher in Arabic language and literature at university of Tehran


Media products, especially those produced on a daily basis by reporters, are one of the most widely used areas for implementing and adapting critical approaches to discourse analysis.The political differences between Iran and Saudi Arabia have created a media space in recent years, which is totally under the control of political discourses governing the governments. The present study was conducted to explain the discourse strategies of the newspaper Al-Sharq al-Awsat in the ideological representation of Iran. To this end, the Van Dijk model was selected as the method of research and 20 analyzes of the political analysis of the newspaper were analyzed. The results of the study showed that the method of processing information and news about Iran in this newspaper was in line with the ideological square of Van Dijk. For example, negative assumptions, polarization in the text at the expense of Iran, introduction as a non-affiliated group, spacing .are among the discourse strategies of this newspaper. In all examined texts, Iran has been introduced as a threat to the security of the region and the world and an inconsistent element among Islamic countries. The authors have tried to block any ideological proposition at different levels of the text and block the way for fair judgment of the audience. The dominant discourse on this paper, during the period under review, seeks to present a picture of Iran that is far from the political and religious reality and has been positively designed and represented in front of all Arab activism.


کتاب‌های فارسی
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مقالات عربی
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